Menstruator Must Haves

Jessica Day is a real mood this month on HPS, because we are scratching the surface of Flowing With Your Flow aka syncing your workouts (and life) to your cycle. You'll still get your weekly drop of classes per yoozh, plus weekly mini workshops about how to align your movement practice with your menstrual cycle to get more out of your workouts, ease period symptoms, and feel your best.

Each Wednesday, you'll get your regular weekly drop of workouts, plus a bonus “mini” workshop, like Meet Your Menstrual Cycle, Stretches for PMS, plus journaling prompts and some other additional resources if you want to explore the topic further with a women's health expert! The collection grows each week, so be sure to check back every Wednesday in November!

As you work through the collection and have your menstrual health in mind, I put together a list of some of the products that I rely on throughout the month to feel my best, in addition to tailoring my workout to where I am in my cycle.

The Best Period Products for Menstrual Wellness in 2021

Thinx Undies

Actually attractive period underwear?! If $40 for one pair of underwear that you'll intentionally bleed in hurts your soul as much as mine, though, this Innersy 3 pack for $24 is the way to go-- they're not nearly as cute but I have them and they work like a charm.

Saalt Period Cup

I won't lie, there's a learning curve to these, but I'll never go back to tampons!

Dr. Teals Epsom Salts

I take a bath at least 2x a week when the weather drops anyway, but especially during my period and have been using these since I was 13 (also excellent for overall muscle recovery if you've been working out hard!).

Hilma Gas Relief

Don't make me say it, you know why! Bonus: check out this reel I made about stretches for gas relief for Hilma last Spring!

Stardust App

Period tracking with a sense of humor + astrology, and witchy cool girl branding.

Sensy Ball

Trust me, when you do the gut massage in the PMS Stretching video, you'll wish you had one- plus there are tons of fun ab workouts on HPS using this ball!

Hot Water Bottle

I used to be team heating pad all the way but you're not technically supposed to sleep with them on, and this one has a turtleneck!

Spearmint Tea

In Ayurveda, spearmint tea is supposed to be supportive for people with hormone imbalances, help with symptoms of PCOS, and decrease hormonal breakouts. Every body is different, so there's no knowing if it'll be beneficial to you unless you try!

Wooden Spoon Herbs Menstrual Magic

I’m a big fan of all things Wooden Spoon Herbs (like the herbal coffee!!) and this menstrual support tincture is no different.

**Contains affiliate links, but I only recommend items I personally use!


I myself have been guilty of reading entire books on cycle tracking and then abandoning the idea until the next full moon when I am inevitably shocked by the arrival of my period and raging mood swings because the information was too complicated- but it really doesn't have to be that deep (unless you want it to be). HPS thinks of tracking as another one of a long list of tools to enhance your bodily intuition, not as a strict rulebook for what you can do and when. I've kept the content on the simpler side, with direct actionable steps you can take to feel better vs throwing so much info at you that you implement none of it-- which helps no one! There’s a free 10 day trial to Helen Phelan Studio, and in addition to this collection, it’s home to 400+ pilates based workouts so you can choose classes to match your mood and your cycle phases! Get started here.

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