A Free Month of On Demand Pilates

Obviously, I'm a big fan of WOFH (working OUT from home) life. I've built my whole business around it and you can often find me doing a flow at home in my undies to an exclusively Taylor Swift playlist while I wait for the coffee to brew on any given morning.

I'd be lying, though, if I didn't acknowledge how special an IRL group class experiences is. (Don't think I don't notice the furtive eye contact and subsequent eye rolling when I break out the sliders or say “just kidding, 5 more” for the 3rd time in class!)

According to psychologist and author of The Joy of Movement, Kelly Mcgonigal, moving in synchrony with others doesn't just keep us motivated to hold that plank a bit longer, but it makes us feel like we're apart of something larger- and that feeling of community gives you an even greater buzz than endorphins.

In an effort to mimic that magic with all the perks of on demand fitness and reward you for sharing about my small biz, I just launched the official Helen Phelan Studio Referral Program!

For every person you refer who joins HPS, you get a free month of membership added to your account. You get an accountability buddy and someone to commiserate about my plank series with AND a free month of membership.

You're welcome! 😉


Helen Phelan Studio is on Youtube!


How To Save Frizzy & Broken Hair According to the HPS Community