Helen Phelan Studio is on Youtube!

I hemmed and hawed about starting a Youtube channel for YEARS.

I’m not being hyperbolic- it’s been since 2015.

I dreamed of creating an online studio and even started recording content in November of 2019 and then totally chickened out. It took the panini to push me out of my shell to finally create Helen Phelan Studio- and once I had, I didn’t know how I could make a free Youtube channel coexist with a membership platform.

How To Watch Free Helen Phelan Studio Workouts

Accessibility is one of the things that makes me cringe about the wellness industry as it stands today, and though I’m just a one woman small business, it’s important to me that I have some free offerings for those for whom membership is out of reach- so I’ve spent the last few months posting some quickie pilates workouts to the HPS Youtube. You’ll also find me trying my hand at some more lifestyle content and Youtube Shorts (for those of you who still refuse to download Tiktok!)

Paying members of HPS need not fret, as the 30-45 min classes, tutorials, workshops, body neutrality salons, themed collections, and intuitive nutrition Q+As are still exclusive to the platform, but the new Youtube channel offers me a way to connect with a larger audience- and for people who need longer than the 10 day free trial to figure out if HPS is the right fit for them.

Wellness Content Free From Diet Culture and Exclusivity

So if you love HPS workouts, please head over to Youtube, subscribe and let me know what kind of content you want to see over there!

Core focused workouts?

Wellness product reviews?

Athleisure hauls?

Vlogging? * tries desperately to ignore my internal impostor syndrome *

What I eat in a day? (PSYCH- you’ll never catch me making one of those because our bodies are all unique and what I need for fuel on any given day will vary wildly from what your body might need!)


Head over to Helen Phelan Studio on Youtube for a preview of everything we get up to on the HPS platform and an exclusive HPS discount for my Youtube subscribers!


How To Incorporate Other Workouts With Your HPS Classes


A Free Month of On Demand Pilates